Saturday, August 30, 2014

Syllabus: Intro to Digital Painting Fall '14

SYLLABUS             Intro to Digital Painting                                        DART 135 F

Fall 2014                                                                       Saturday: 10:45PM-04:10PM

Instructor: Brian Murray,
Phone: 714-990-3004
Office hours: Saturday: 10:45PM-04:10PM     1015

This course provides an introduction to digitial painting and the use of Adobe Photoshop, covering both basics of the program and onscreen painting. This class focuses on the image manipulation and painting tools of Phtoshop and translates traditional painting techniques to the computer. Exercises emphasize techniques that enhance students' understanding of the Photoshop interface, ability to visualize and sketch out compositions, control light and value, and create a representational image. The process taught has direct application to illustration, feature films, video games, graphic novels, etc. Additionally, students learn about visual communication, and how to expand their ability to communicate visual ideas to collaborators.

            The student will learn to navigate the painting tools of Photoshop and to use them to illustrate, demonstrating skill and competency in the program interface and how to use it to produce a painting.

              Grading is based on participation as shown by knowledge demonstrated in classwork on a regular basis, attendance, lab assignments, and a final project consisting of a finished, composited illustration.. You are expected to participate during each workshop portion of class. You are also expected to add your own personal commentary during class discussions. In order to enhance discussions, you will often be spontaneously asked to respond or refer to handouts, references or class discussions.
Labwork will total 40 percent of your final grade.
Participation/Attendance will total 30 percent of your final grade and is absolutely mandatory.  Notice the start and stop times of the class. If you wish to take this class then commit to being here on time, staying to the end, and being here every day. Failure to appear at the first night of class is grounds to be dropped. Excessive absences (4 during the regular term),  will cause the student to be dropped from the course.. If the fourth absence occurs after the Final drop date, the student will lose one letter grade on the Final grade. If you acknowledge your absence to me there is a possibility of making up an assignment.
The Final Project will be a finished illustration exhibiting the disciples discussed in the class. Students are encouraged to illustrate their own projects if desired. The final project will demonstrate your knowledge and skill of all the concepts and techniques we learn and discuss in class. Guidelines for the final will be given later in the quarter. The Final Project will be due on the second to last day of class, no exceptions. Late work will not be accepted. The Final Project will total 40 percent of your final grade.
Grade Scale: 100- 97 points = A+ 96-94 points = A 93-90 points = A- 89-87 points = B+ 86-84 points = B 83-80 points = B- 79-77 points =C+ 76-74 points =C 73-70 points = C- 69-60 points = D etc.


Student Conduct:
            Students have an obligation to become familiar with the College’s policies, rules, and regulations, and to conduct themselves in a reasonable, respectful manner conducive to attaining their educational goals. Students should refer to the college catalog under the heading Student Conduct for additional information.
         Please keep in mind that good drawing, like any other creative endeavor, takes intense concentration, so social conversation should be kept to a minimum. I’ll remind you if you forget, but please don’t make me. This is part of your Class Participation. No photography in class, except for clas work. Please turn off all cell phones before entering the class. No texting in class please!    
                  Academic Honesty: Please refer to the College Catalog regarding this matter.

            Fullerton College is committed to providing educational accommodations for students with disabilities, upon the timely request by the student to the instructor. Verification of the disability must also be provided. Disability Support Services on campus functions as a resource for students and faculty in the determination and provision of the accommodations.

Emergency Response Message:
            Please take note of the safety features in and close to your classroom and study the posted evacuation route. The most direct route of egress may not be the safest because of the existence of roofing tiles or other potentially hazardous conditions, Similarly, running out of the building can also be dangerous during severe earthquakes. During strong earthquakes, the recommended response is to duck, cover, and hold until the shaking stops. Follow the guidance of your instructor. Your cooperation during emergencies can minimize the possibility of injury to yourself and others.

Grade Appeal Procedure:
         Consult the College’s Catalog concerning this process.


Upon successful completion of DART 135 F Intro to Digital Painting, the student will be able to create navigate the Photoshop interface and use it to create a painting.

Imaginative Realism: How to Paint What Doesn't Exist [Book]
by James Gurney · Andrews McMeel Publishing · Paperback · 224 pages · ISBN 0740785508

Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers
by Marcos Mateu-Mestre Design Studio Press(August 31, 2010) ISBN-10: 1933492953

Picture This: How Pictures Work
By Molly Bang Chronicle Books (July 1, 2000)
ISBN-10: 1587170302

Figure Drawing for All it's Worth
by Andrew Loomis Titan Books; Facsimile edition (May 31, 2011) ISBN-10: 0857680986

The subject matter to be covered in the Course includes:

WEEK 1 Intro to PS/Blending and lighting
Discuss digital painting, and concept art.
Introduction to/ Adobe Photoshop
            Pen and Cintiq settings
            My Commands
            Transform tool/Warp
            Image Adjustments

Presentation (Show my boards and animatics) and demonstration.

Workshop: Getting Started, Onscreen mixing, Blending Lighting, and Silhouettes

WEEK 2 Brushes/ Materials
Go over paintings from class 01
Discuss, demo Brushes
                  Brush Palettes
                  Create Brushes
Workshop: Paint material spheres

WEEK 3 Image Creation thru Abstraction
Go over paintings from class 02
Perspective grids
Selection Tools Image Creation
Workshop: Finding/Creating an image through abstraction
Paint over your Abstract/Create custom brushes suited to your abstract

WEEK 4 Atmospheric Perspective/Kitbashing
Go over paintings from class 03
Create a mountain range

or a city, using Perspective Grids

Workshop: Kit bash with Photo ref

WEEK 5 Adding Color
Go over paintings from class 04
Layer Groups(Cmd+G)
Intro Color Scheme Designer
Workshop: Painting under/over line art

WEEK 6 Guest speaker: Steve Burg

WEEK 7 Rendering an Imaginary Object Realistically
Go over paintings from class 05
Expand a Photo background with the Rubber Stamp tool
Create Textures with Brushes
                  Preset manager
Creating FX and adding realism
Workshop: Real Object, Imaginary Details
                  Create imaginary objects from real objects(cars, appliances/farm equipment)

WEEK 8  Speed Painting from reference
Navigator for thumbnail view
Workshop: Speed Painting Animal eyes

WEEK 9 Composition
Go over paintings from class 07
Examine and Discuss:
                  Master's compositions
                  Framed Ink
                  Rule of Thirds
                  Artists work Wyeth, Paick, etc
Workshop: SILHOUETTES, find your composition. Paint into your compositions.

WEEK 10 PenTool
Go over paintings from class 08
Pen Tool
                  Paths Palette
                  Bezier curves
                  Demo Cleaning Line drawings using layers as overlays
Workshop: Create a a self portrait from a selfie with Bezier curves

WEEK 11 Textures
Go over paintings from class 10
Creating textures
Load natural brushes
Layers and Brush presets
Text Creation, manipulation, and application to an object
Texturizing and Paint over texture

Filter gallery
                  Cutout, dry brush

Workshop: Design, and apply texture to, a bladed weapon.

WEEK 12 Start Final Project
Go over paintings from class 11
Workshop: Start working on final project
Pick a style of digital painting, pick subject, start compositional studies.

Go over Final progress
Workshop: Continue working on final project

WEEK 14 Thanksgiving Day holiday

WEEK 15 Finals Due
Turn in Finals

WEEK 16 Final Critiques
Go over Finals

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